Sunday, July 20, 2014

SEVEN DAY FIANCE -- a summary and opinion

Preface: this is a book I read probably a month or two ago with the thought that maybe I'd review it...... and I didn't add any highlights or bookmarks to my Nook app. Luckily, a book I just finished today helped refresh my memory on Seven Day Fiance.

Angelle uprooted her life and moved from her Cajun home, to Magnolia Springs -- still Cajun and southern, but not the way home is. In the few months she's been there, she's made a really good friend in Sherry Robicheaux. Unfortunately, said good friend has a really attractive older brother.

The book begins with an event Sherry puts together every holiday season, but this year she's added a twist -- the bachelor auction also has an abs contest, and every participant must walk the stage shirtless and in a Santa hat.

When the auction begins, a crazy lunatic of an ex starts to bid on Cane Robicheaux -- Sherry's older brother and the guy Angie is half in love with. With his pleading eyes in her direction, Angelle ends up bidding and winning him. Sweet, shy, introverted, extremely quiet, can't-look-him-in-the-eyes Angelle bid on him and won him.

When she's passed the shock of that, she decides he can actually help her out -- her family may kinda sorta think she's engaged, and as it's Thanksgiving and the time of family get-togethers and town cook-off... well, now's the time to bring the fiance home.

Cane ends up agreeing to the ruse and spends the week with Angelle in her hometown, and needless to say, falls a little bit more for her with every passing day.

I enjoyed Cane and Angelle's story, but I wasn't fully into it. I found my mind wandering at times, but that was ok. It was a free Nook book by an author I didn't know, so I was ok with it. It was a good book considering I had no clue who the author was.

I didn't want for more... the book hit all the points it needed to. I enjoyed the plot and the characters. It just wasn't 100% my book... If that makes any sense.

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